Fixing a Noisy Electric Fireplace [100% Solutions]

Fixing a Noisy Electric Fireplace

Electric fireplaces charm us with realistic flames without burning wood and fuel.

Whether your old fireplace is making noise or your newly installed one is giving you noise issues, we will guide you to fix noisy electric fireplaces.

Why are Electric Fireplaces Noisy? 

Based on what components are inside these electric fireplaces, we can identify which make noise and which don’t.

Electric fireplaces with’ fan forced heating’ (here, the air is forced over a heating element by the blower, and hot air gets blown out of the room) produce way more noise than the electric fireplaces using infrared heaters. 

A defective flame speed control module creates buzzing and humming noises, whereas an uncommon cause for noise can be a damaged flame rod rubbing on other parts of your Electric fireplace.

If you don’t like noisy fireplaces then check our list of quiet electric fireplaces.

Fixing a Noisy Components of Electric Fireplace –

Use the proper tools whilst being aware of the know-how. You will address your electric fireplace’s noise precisely and be returning to enjoy your electric fireplace quietly and peacefully as well.

Bent Tubes 

As long as they stay in the correct shape, they guarantee no noise, but when they bend, your electric fireplace becomes noisy.

The remedy to bent tubes is using a hammer to get them in the correct shape by rearranging them. 

Be gentle while using the hammer on the bent tubes to avoid possible further damage. 

Yes, you have now successfully fixed the noises coming from the bent tubes of your electric fireplaces.

Loose Hardware

Seeking the help of a professional before digging in the repairs yourself is always a safer option. 

Nonetheless, loose hardware connections are another cause of noises in your electric fireplace.

Make sure no screws run loose, as this will, in turn, make sure of no noise. Should you find any screws to be open, use a screwdriver to tighten them, making them solid and ensuring no noise in the future.

Flame Speed Control 

If you recognize that the sounds have been coming from the control panel of your electric fireplace, then, unfortunately, you have a defective flame speed control module.

To get rid of the noise of the flame speed control module, you simply have to get a replacement of the same by a new factory one.

Tada! You are back to your no defect, no electric noise fireplace.

Fan Blowers 

The fan blower possibly gets caught up by dirt, dust, or debris, causing noise from your electric fireplace. 

There are 2 solutions to this problem. 

You can either temporarily remove the blower to make sure that the fan blades get cleaned, and after that, if it’s still noisy, it’s time to replace the fan blower of your electric fireplace.

This will ensure that you enjoy your fireplace as before noise from the fan blowers caused you trouble. 


If you notice that noises are only heard after turning on the heater of your electric fireplace, it’s most likely that your heater has gone bad.

The instant solution to this is to replace your heater but to do so, first contact your manufacturer to be aware of whether the heater gets covered under warranty or not.

After replacing your heater, it’s a given that your electric fireplace will be back to its normal charm.

Flame Rod 

Noises caused by the flame rod are unusual; over time, you might need to replace your electric fireplace. 

The distinctive grinding noise made by the damaged flame rod causes clearance issues. Further, it not only causes damage to other internal components as it rubs off them but also has the chance of damaging your fireplace.

The easiest way to eliminate this risk and noise is by replacing the flame rod of your fireplace.


There are many reasons why noises and sounds come from your electric fireplace. 

Guiding you towards the solutions, we have clarified that some noises can be avoided by replacing components wholly and some by just fixing the existing ones.

Awareness about the know-hows and your warranty before diving into working on your fireplace’s noisy components, motors, or even tubes is critical.


Are all Electric Fireplaces Noisy?

No, most electric fireplaces available are not noisy, rather, they operate more quietly than other appliances in our homes.

Mainly, fireplaces with infrared heaters are known for not making any noise.

Whereas the ones with fan-forced heating are prone to more noise.

Does the Electric fireplace make a Humming noise?

Modern electric fires make no humming noise whilst they are in use. Electric inset fires are the ones making an annoying humming sound when used. 

Also, the electric fireplace makes a humming noise due to a defective flame speed control module.

Should an Electric Fireplace be noisy? 

Generally, electric fireplaces are not supposed to be noisy.
However, that can vary depending on the components used inside an electric fireplace, as some can turn out to be noisy while others tend to be quiet.

Be rest assured if one of the components of your electric fireplace is the infrared heater, as they are typically quieter than other(s).

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